Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy. Most of us recognize this as one of the Ten Commandments,but what does it mean in todays life. We have become a society of rush here and rush there, everywhere in a rush. We don't take time for ourselves to relax. I live in a vacation destination and I even see those up here on vacation rushing around trying to adhere to a tight schedule like they do at home. I drive down the road at the speed limit and a passed by cars with out of state plates with skis, kayaks, campers or what have you flying by missing the beautiful scenery I get to observe on a daily basis. They don't take time to smell the roses, life has become a big blur with so much to do.
The human body needs rest to rejuvenate. We need time to slow down and let the rigors of life just roll off of us. We were not designed to go 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.
I can remember as a kid when most stores were closed on Sunday, and the scheduling of events like Little League and Pop Warner was just about a no-no. Sunday was a family time with the exception of the Jewish community in Providence where the Saturday was the family day. It was a day of picnics, and sitting on the beach.It was a day of the family dinner in the winter or recreation, walks to the reservoir with my dad. Walks in the woods, it was a time of relaxation, not a time to be scheduled like clockwork with running here and running there. Today in this hustle bustle world, Sunday has just become another day. A day to work, a day to be busy and schedule every micro-second out of. We have become a people of what can I do to cram in the time I have.I have never been a person to sleep in late n any day, with getting up at seven being the sleeping late mode, but I do try to keep Sunday as a day where the schedule is thrown out the window. I relax and read the Sunday Paper, Kickback in the easy chair, go to church with the family, eat a leisurely lunch take a walk out in the woods, or go to the lake. It is a time of relaxation a time to shut my brain off and let nature take over and let me relax. Recharge my batteries and get ready for the week ahead. We all need t down shift our lives and slow down. You never know what you will find there. I find a deep inner peace and tranquility. I find myself less irritable with the kids ,and less likely to lose my temper. I find myself more willing to help my wife during the week.
Even if you are not religious or spiritual, you still need the time to recharge and restore yourself.
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