Saturday, June 13, 2009

Invocations, Benedictions and Baccalaureates

I attended my 17 year old's (soon to be 18 years old) graduation this morning, as well as several other graduation/ senior events over the last two weeks. I have several questions if the liberals cling so heavily to the separation of church and state idea, which incidentally is no where in the Constitution, it is actually that the Government will not establish any state run religion, but allow us as a country a freedom of religion not a freedom from religion. Yet we cling violently to religious ideas. They still call the event before the graduation ceremony a Baccalaureate which by definition is Baccalaureate service, "a farewell address in the form of a sermon delivered to a graduating class", yet the services today are an extension of Senior reflections on their passage through school, so call it what it is an evening of Senior reflections not a Baccalaureate.

Now we come up to the graduation ceremony at the start of the ceremony is listed an invocation, which traditionally and by definition a blessing opening the service asking for some spirits guidance, what we had today was a senior stand up and give a short reflection on high school with a quote by Dr Seuss. At the close of the ceremony was listed the benediction, again by definition a blessing for those in attendance to reflect on as they leave the ceremony wishing for the spirit to watch over those who have been honored as well as those who were in attendance, again what we had was another senior give a short reflection on his career in school, again no religious inference in the ceremony at all. If you want total separation Church and State why cling to terms that are religious just by the use of the name. It is a case of trying to have your cake and eat it jsut doesn't cut it for me...again just call them what they are...Senior Reflections

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Economic recovery?

I have heard many people say that Obama's plan is working and the country is going to be strong again. While I hope they are right because I would love to see America in a strong vibrant growing economy, I fear the opposite is going to happen. Ultimately the plan Obama has laid out is going to weaken the economy even further. The people out there who seem to blindly worship Obama will argue with me that he is the savior, and that his plan is the strongest, best possible plan out there. I disagree, right now it is the only plan out there but not necessarily the best plan.

Why I don't think it is the best plan is based on the fact of what got us into this mess in the first place, which is wanton debt, plain and simple. People bought more than they could afford at terms that were ultimately well beyond their means. It does not make a difference who's fault it ultimately was, the greedy banks, or the greedy individual. This fact resulted in prices in the housing industry being pushed up in an unnatural manner, and to levels that could not be supported. We had to keep up with the Jones' and be damned of the consequences. Well we are living those consequences now.

Obama's plan to end this situation is to spend the country does not have. So how do we handle that we put our country further in debt than we already were with no plans for paying off that debt, nor the ability. Print more money and drive the value of the dollar down, raising the value of foreign currencies. Guess what as the value of the dollar declines and the value of foreign currency rises the products we consume are going to rise also. Remember we are an economy that has developed to the point that we import much more than we export, and what little we do export will be worth even less because of the strengthening of the foreign currency, so the value of our products decline on the overseas markets while the values of what they ship to us increases, and this results in inflation. We are going to drive us deeper into debt and weaken our economy even further. The rise in gas prices will seem incidental to what can happen if this continues unchecked..wages will not be able to keep up with the cost of living...driving even more people down below the poverty line. I hope I am wrong but I fear I am not