Sunday, April 27, 2008

Necessity or Luxury

Well my typing should get better as I put a new keyboard on my laptop and now my keys are not sticking, it is nice to be able to type and not have to go back and continually check to see if the letter I pressed actually appeared on the screen.

I was reflecting the other day on the economic situation of a lot of families. We are in a definite downturn, and depending on who you talk to we are either in a slowdown or a recession, while by the actual definition of a recession, we are no there yet, but close. Part of the problem I see in society is that we have turned a lot of luxuries into necessities, and now we as a society do not know how to live without them. Rather than put up with cooking on a stove or oven, we have to have a microwave because we are impatient and need our food immediately. We not only need a television but unless some people have the latest and greatest wide screen HDTV with blue ray players. Not only do we need computers but it seems people always need the fastest most tricked out computer on the market. As a society we do not seem to be happy with the basics, our cars keep getting bigger and more equipped, rather than use maps we need to have GP units in the vehicle, rather than broadcast radio, satellite radio has become the necessity. On Star is becoming more and more of a standard feature on cars every day. The luxuries of yesterday become the necessities of today. Where does it all stop Can we actually live with less? I think so, and in the meantime I think our society would become stronger and more independent.

1 comment:

R.G. said...

Of course we can live with less. Let's be realistic. There are only three basic needs for survival; food, clothing and shelter. Everything else is a luxury. I tell my kids that all the time and of course they roll their eyes at me :-) I'm not really that extreme and we joke about it but my goal is to try and keep them grounded and appreciate the simple things and not wind up like the rest of the world... in way over their heads, trying to keep up with the Jones'.