Saturday, November 29, 2008

Are you listening

Soren Kierkegaard once wrote " It is very dangerous to go into eternity with possibilities that one has oneself prevented from becoming realities. A possibility is a hint from God, one must follow it." Are you listening to the subtle hints God is giving you on a daily basis, or are you ignoring them because they seem to inconvenient or risky to undertake? God will make all things possible if it is His will to do so

We all travel on a daily basis down the road we call life. During these travels we hear little voices or feel little nudges in directions that we feel uncomfortable in going. We may feel uncomfortable in going there because it si something we have never done before, or it is outside of our comfort zone. We may resist the nudge because it is to risky, and how will I feed my family of it fails? I am slowly learning that we have to trust God on our daily journeys, and open our eyes, hearts, minds, and lives to the gentle nudges that are given to us on a daily basis. We all can be successful but it is not necessarily a monetary success, it could be a spiritual success as well. Mother Teresa was not a monetary susccess by any stretch of the imagination, but her life was a strong testament to the success of the spirit one can achieve.

Open your ears, your eyes, your hearts, and our minds to the possibilities that God is presenting to us on a daily basis, and the successes can be endless.

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