Monday, September 2, 2013

Bloom where you are planted

We struggle in our day to day life, we try to be better people but find ourselves mired down in the muck of our daily existance. We fail to realize that our goal is to bloom and be the best person we can possible be right where we find ourselves at the current moment. It is by doing this that we are able to move on and become closer in our existance to our creator. However, we often find ourselves complaining and bitter about all that goes wron in our lives instead of leanring from those experiances, and we tend to take credit personally for all that goes right instead of shiwing gratitude. I struggle with this on a daily basis but am learning that not only should I show gratitude for those things that go right for us, but for those things that go wrong, for it is in the trials and tribulations that we gain the most learning and growth in our spiritual lives. You can learn more about my journey both on here and on my Facebook page A Spiritual Journey: a common man's reflections found at Please join me in this phenominal journey we call life.

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