Saturday, June 28, 2008

Now that I am Old

Well I finally reached that milestone. I turned fifty, however I was told not to look at as being fifty, I was told to look at it as being the 29th anniversary of my 21st birthday. Turning 40 didn't bother me but something about that 50th birthday. You are a full half century old, qualify for AARP, and other "senor programs" The one thing though that did make me feel old was my two oldest daughters took Janet and I out for dinner tonight and they paid for it. I think that is the biggest turning point in a fathers life when he realizes that his kids are becoming more and more self independent. Their reliance on me is not like it used to be. Sure they still come to dad for money at times, but they are able to do for themselves more and more. I t kind of makes me feel obsolete and not needed anymore, but also proud that they are able to do for themselves.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Happy Birthday! We celebrated my sister's 49th birthday yesterday. I baked a cake (for which she had provided the recipe). It turned out pretty crumbly and, because of that, didn't look very pretty even frosted! I have no doubt she wonders when she will ever get me, the kid sister, raised!