Saturday, September 25, 2010


I am currently reading a self -help book, (even though I hate that description) about recreating your life. The pages I am on right now talk about giving. God created us to be very giving beings, however we have made ourselves into being a very selfish being where we seem to want everything for ourselves. We hear excuses that I don't make enough I can't give money, I work to many hours I can't give time, I am having a terrible day I can't give a smile, on and on. However the reality is, and I can honestly say I have experienced this in my own day to day life, the more we give, the more we get back.

I have raised my children this way, and through the example of their grandparents they have seen it form that perspective also. They give very freely of themselves. As I sit here writing this my oldest and youngest are at the Ossipee Concerned Citizens Fall Fair helping thier grandmother man the tents and assist people who come to buy things at the whitle elephant table. My mother in law, wife, and I were talking about how early on in Anya's life the joke was for people who signed on to deliver meals on wheels for any specific day in Effingham, all they had to do was bring Anya with them to learn the route, because almost from the day she was born she would ride the route with her grandfather up until she was in school full time. All my girls have aprticipated in roadside clean up day,and have ebcome fixtures at all the fundraisers for the Ossipee Concerned Citizens, as wella s many for the RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) as well as many others. They don't come away with frowns on their faces, they come home tired but with smiles. When they go to the store in town or any activities around the area, everyone knows them and greets them, they receive back this way. They have also been very succesful in establishing reputations as hardworkers that will help them later in life when they are looking for jobs, or references of one sort or another, so many people know them and are willing to speak for them. My daughter Khrys is not immune from this either, even though she is away at college in Johnson Vermont, she is very active in the SERVE office there which is a community outreach program, and she is learning a great deal form her volunteering in many different places. On the 24th of September they went an started building a ramp for an elderly lady in the area that needed one, she wrote on her Facebook status that not only was she satisfied in the job they had done for the day, it also marked the commencement of her construction career. She even proudly joked on her uncle's page that she used a screw gun. I am so proud of these girls because they so freely give of themselves to help make the world a little better place, whether it is spending the day helping at a fall fair, or just as simple as giving someone a pat on the back, and a sincere smile. They strive to treat everyone fairly and look for the best in all they meet. They have truly learned the value in giving of themselves, just as my wife and I have. You can be amazed at what happens, we just have to be the change we want to see, and be willing to give freely of ourselves all the time.

Have a Blessed day

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